Automatic creation of questions in the Evaluation

Using Artificial Intelligence with IsEazy Author you can generate the Evaluation questions for your projects in seconds based on the content of your courses.

To generate your evaluation questions automatically, you must first activate the Evaluation by clicking on the activation button in the top right corner of the tablet. Please note that you need to have at least one slide in your project before creating it.

When you activate the Evaluation you will see a tab with the most relevant data about your Evaluation content and to edit it you must click on the arrow to the right of that tab.

Go to edit the questions, in the left menu, you will see the button to generate the questionnaire texts automatically by AI, and the option to create your own questions manually.

Once you click on the button "Add questions with AI" you will see a window with these options:

  • Source of questions: you can select from the drop-down list to take into account the content of the whole project or of some of its sections/subsections, if you have created them.

If you have introductory sections or sections with little relevant content we recommend that you deselect them in the list, this will help the AI to create higher quality content.

  • Number of questions: you can choose a maximum of 99 questions for your evaluation or for the question bank.

Click on the button "add questions with AI" and that's all! You now have the Evaluation of your course.

Once the questions have been generated by AI, you will be able to edit them and also delete the ones you want. 

You will be able to request the generation of new questions, which will be added to the ones already created in your test without repeating and/or add other questions manually.

You can see the rest of the Evaluation settings in our specific help article, including the random questions: Evaluation - isEazy help center

Remember that...

Generative AI is able to analyse data or learn patterns to produce coherent and meaningful text. However, it is an AI with biases and limitations, which can also provide erroneous information. 

Very short content or content with little relevant information will not produce good quality questions.

For this reason we recommend that L&D managers review the content that was generated by the AI, to certify the quality.

The automatic Evaluation generation service is part of the AI service pack and can be used with your isEazy Credits.

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