Environments and Folders

These organization levels are only available for Business and Enterprise accounts. If you have this functionality, when you log in to isEazy Author, instead of accessing the list of projects, you will access the list of environments.


Environments are the first level of organization. They are a useful feature to generate work areas with different collaborators within organizations. An example of use could be when a company hires freelancers for the creation of certain training actions but does not want them to have access to certain more sensitive environments.

Both the account owner and the collaborators with administrator roles can access the Management area, create environments and assign them to the collaborators. Both have access to the configuration of all the account settings.

Therefore, collaborators with editor and editor lite roles can only enter and work in the environments they are allowed to access.

When you have a Business or Enterprise account on isEazy Author, by default you have only one environment. You can change the name of that environment if you wish and, of course, you can create as many environments as you want to organize your content. 

To see how to invite collaborators to your account, read Manage my team


The utility of folders is basically the organization of projects within environments. Folders can be created inside other folders up to a limit of 5 levels in addition to the environment. 

To see how to create folders in your environment you can check the article where we tell you all about the project list.

To navigate between folders and also between environments, there is a breadcrumb at the top that indicates where we are and allows access to the different levels directly.

This breadcrumb and organization can also be found as a thumbnail in the menu to copy a slide to another section of our project or even to another project.

Back at the folder view, we also find a search engine that will allow us to easily locate other folders and projects. 

If we search at the project level and enter a specific project, the search will be kept. This is useful for example if we are trying to locate a project, and try until we find it.ç

It is also worth noting that when you find a specific project, you can access the folder in which it is contained directly with the button in the right corner of the thumbnail.

Moreover, if you search from a folder, this search is focused on the content that hangs from it, never on the content of superior folders. 

Something important to take into account when deleting both folders and environments is that you will not be able to carry out the action if there is content inside them. In the case of environments, you will also see a message telling you that the assigned collaborators will no longer have access if you confirm the deletion.

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